- Tic Tac
- Kash
- Vault to vault
- Tac Vaults
- Handstand Walk 15ft
- Double Kong
- Traveling Kong
- Traveling Reverse
- Dyno
- Kong to Safety
- Drop-in
- Long Kash
- Side Flip
- Butterfly Kick
- Trampoline Front Flip
- Trampoline Back Flip
- Kip Up
- Wall Spin (slight slant)
- Palm spin
- Round off
- One handed cartwheel
- Reverse Kong Push
- Palm Flip
- Wall Run (for height)
- Back Handspring
- Front Handspring
- Shoot through (no legs)
- Handstand Push-up x5
- Muscle Up x2
- L-Sit Hold 30sec
- Windshield Washer 5 each side
- Wall spin, no slant
- Olympic sit ups x40
- Decline Push ups x10
- Pull ups x 8
- Skin the cat x5
- Dips on the rings x5
- Tuck Planche 30 sec
- One leg squats 10x each side
- Sideways peg board 10 moves